
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Then Came You" - Jennifer Weiner

Since reading her breakout hit "Good In Bed" in high school I have read all of Jennifer Weiner's books.  Unfortunately for me and many other women, none of her subsequent eight books have quite lived up to her first.  As I write this I wonder to myself why have been such a loyal reader for the last ten years?  It is because regardless if the story falls a little short or feels unrealistic, Weiner always writes remarkably well.  Her books are witty and fast paced.  The reader feels as though they are sitting down with a good friend.  There is no getting in to the story, you immediately are intrigued by the characters and their lives. 

What I think Weiner has done well in her books following "Good In Bed," is develop very different female characters.  Her first book certainly seemed to be very autobiographical.  The main character, Cannie Shapiro, was a slightly overweight woman in her early thirties, who was a Princeton graduate, Philly native, daughter of a lesbian, and whose trusty sidekick was a sassy rat terrier, all of which fit Weiner herself.  While it does fit Weiner, so many other women can connect with Cannie.  Her next book "In Her Shoes," had a similar plain Jane character with an over the top beautiful sister (played by Cameron Diaz in the poor movie).  "Certain Girls" followed a couple novels after and revisited Cannie, later in life and explored her relationship with her pre-teen daughter.  Most every book seems to also contain a wise much older woman (grandmother, aunt, friend) who perfectly embodies all of the positive attributes of each "Golden Girl" character.  While these have been great introductions to Weiner and wonderful reads, it was refreshing to read her other books with new and different characters.

While this book could be her most unrealistic story she has written to date, she managed to develop strong female characters from drastically different walks of life.  The story follows surrogate pregnancy using an egg donor.  The egg donor is a young, smart, and stunning (the descriptions of her beauty seems endless)  Princeton college student, who is solely providing the "donation" for the money.  The surrogate is a young, struggling, army wife and mother, whose self professed only accomplishment to date is two successful pregancies, so she sees this as a way to use her skills to provide for her family.  The mother is a incredibly wealthy trophy wife, who due to her age cannot get pregnant on her own, but also seems happy to be able to delegate the task out to others.  Weiner rounds out this female cast of characters, by also illustrating the trophy wife's privileged stepdaughter.  While each character is quite extreme and unique, most readers will identify with qualities or backgrounds of each character.  One of the most intriguing aspects of the novel is that the surrogate and the trophy wife, strike up an unlikely bond.  Each woman is envious of the other for what they have (real or perceived), but have an extreme gratitude to each other for the service provided, that they lean on one another during difficult times.  Another very interesting relationship is that of the egg donor and her love interest, which is both surprising and heartwarming.  The downside to the larger cast of characters, no one woman seemed fully developed in the story.  It certainly would not be surprising if a character or characters make a reprise in a central role in a future novel. 

If you are a Weiner fan, you will enjoy this quick and captivating read.  You will laugh and maybe even shed a tear or two while enjoying another jaunt with an old friend.  If you have never read Jennifer Weiner before please start with "Good In Bed!"  Do not let the title fool you, it is a far cry from "50 Shades of Grey."  Anyhow is the age of the Kindles and Nooks, you can privately enjoy it even in a crowded coffee shop or airport.  Of her others my favorites are "Little Earthquakes," "Fly Away Home," and "Goodnight Nobody."  Also look for my upcoming post on her most recent novel "The Next Best Thing."

Happy reading, y'all!

Buy it on Amazon!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tails of Obedience School

Last night we went to our second obedience class with Gertrude.  Even though we have had her now for about a year and a half we have some work to do in the training department.  We got very lucky with Gertie because when we got her she was for the most part housebroken.  Also being only 10 pounds she could get away with behaviors that would be intolerable in other breeds (jumping up being the prime example).  She knew some pretty basic commands, but was really only successful when Tim and I were the most interesting thing around.  We were up a creek when a squirrel or another dog was in sight. 

One thing that Gertie really needs to work on is socializing with other dogs.  She is usually fine with dogs her size, but gets nervous around bigger dogs, which is a bit of a problem since most any dog is bigger than her.  She also gets very aggressive when dogs sniff her butt, which again is a problem because that is what all dogs do!  Honestly I don't blame her, it does seem like a really rude way to greet a stranger.  Luckily for her the other 7 dogs in the class are very friendly and happily put up with her 'tude.  Almost all of the dogs are also rescues, so the owners also understand that our dogs have histories that we really aren't and never will be privy to.  Already this week over last, she was much more comfortable with her classmates and even let one quick butt sniff slide!

Since we haven't tried much training, we didn't fully realize how smart she is.  She picked up on tricks so quickly, that the teacher made us blush by insisting the class watch how well Gertrude was doing with each command and joking that she wanted to graduate early.  Last week we made the mistake of bringing dog treats (stupid us), while the people on either side of us had brought cut up hotdogs.  It was a little pathetic that Gertie was begging from our neighbors, especially since she was dancing around on her hind legs.  With our hotdog pieces in tow, she was game for anything last night and it showed!

In this class it really seems true that the owners resemble their dogs (in a good/cute way).  One woman shares with her Golden-doodle not only their hair color (reddish blonde), but also the same extroverted, friendly demeanor.  There is another woman with her Shit-Tzu mix, shares the same dark grey hair color and style!  Our favorite dog is a beagle mix who is shaped like a bowling ball and shows about as much energy and enthusiasm as one.  She couldn't care less about the other dogs and cannot seem to figure out why we are bothering her during her naptime.  Her mom also has a laid back vibe and is content with her dog not perfecting all commands.  Obviously this all made me wonder if the others are thinking that of us and Gertie! 

It has been a blast so far and I can't wait to share more tails!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Oatmeal Smoothie

This weekend we bought the Magic Bullet blender set with a gift card we had from our
engagement party. We had registered for a blender, but I have recently be craving
smoothies and seeing lots of healthy recipes on Pinterest. I figured it was a solid
investment before the wedding, since hopefully I could use it to lose weight for the

This particular recipe sparked my interest because it has oatmeal in it! Sometimes
oatmeal can be a fairly boring breakfast (especially every single day), but I’m always
impressed by how it keeps me full to lunchtime.  See the recipe below on Martha Stewart's website.  Check out how instead of blend, she says whir, leave it to her to make smoothie cooking sound fancy!

  Try it for yourself!

Took me a bit longer this morning to make the smoothie than I think it will after I get
used to it. While I seem to have gotten the most straight-forward and easy blender it’s
still new and electronics and appliances have never been my strong suit! However it
was worth the wait! It was very tasty and a great sized portion. The oatmeal gives it
kind of an interesting texture, but I got used to it quickly. Got in the office at 6:30 this
morning to finish up a report and as sad as it sounds the smoothie made my morning so much better. Often when I'm busy I get sucked in to work in the morning I forget to eat breakfast and once it gets late enough I figure that I should just wait until lunchtime. Then I end up feeling extra tired and a little sick. This smoothie kept me going until lunch and almost to the completion of the report I spent the better part of the day tackling!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Inspiration from Nora

Even though it has been almost five years since I graduated from college, this commencement speech at Wellesley feels very relevant and inspirational to my current life.  One of her most re-quoted statements in this speech has inspired this blog.  I think as women especially young women, we often forget that we need to be our own heroines.  The last year or so has been a time of extreme ups and downs.  I got engaged and have spent a lot of time planning our upcoming wedding (big up).  In my professional life I have had some great successes, none coming without a lot of blood, sweat, and tears mixed with mistakes along the way.  Most recently and probably importantly I had a pulmonary embolism that has given me a new and unique perspective on my life that could have been just as easily been taken away from me.  After spending a week in the hospital, it has been a slow and difficult recovery, but the only thing I can do is focus on taking on life one day at a time.

We as women also quickly forget how far our gender has come in a relatively short period of time.  When Ephron talks about the world she graduated in 1962, it sounds light years behind where we were in 1996 when she made this speech, which seems further back from 2013.  As I am approaching my new life chapter as a wife, these thoughts have moved into the forefront of my mind.  I have always fancied myself a bit of a feminist, but also consider myself pretty girly and I enjoy some very traditional women's activities.  As I move through my twenties I will continue to find that balance and continue to realize these are not mutually exclusive aspects of my personality.  All of this said below are my goals and topics for the future of this blog:
  • Book reviews, thoughts, and lists.  I have always been an avid reader and recently have been trying to step out a bit of my comfort zone of chick lit and mysteries.
  • Movie and television reviews.   
  • Wedding planning tips and musings.  Our wedding is in May and we are now into crunch time!
  • Heath and fitness posts.  I am struggling to overcome my pulmonary embolism, while getting fit for my wedding and shedding some weight I've put on the last couple of years.
  • Funny thoughts and commentary on becoming a domestic goddess (ha!). 
  • Inspiration that I have gathered from others (Nora Ephron among them).
  • While I don't see this blog becoming a career advice site, I do work in Human Resources and have lots of opinions and observations of the workplace which I'm sure it will work its way in sometimes.
  • For those that know me, this goes without saying, but I will most likely have lots of posts and mentions about animals.  Our children are a miniature dachshund mix, Gertrude, and a cat nearly three times her size, Bruce.  I am also committed to serving animals in my community through volunteering and those experiences always come with both sweet and sad thoughts.
I look forward to sharing all of the above and much more with you.  Above all how I am working to be the heroine of my life!
